BUTiH - Strona główna
Certificates & Awards
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Sugar Industry
Feed Industry
Milling Industry

Certificates and Awards

CERTIFICATE to BIURO USŁUG TECHINCZNYCH I HANDLU - GENOWEFA KOWALSKA in recognition of outstanding commitment to Quality and Excellence, which merits the CENTURY INTERNATIONAL QUALITY ERA AWARD in the realm of Customer Satisfaction, Leadership, Strategic Planning and Benchmarking, as established in the QC100 TQM system.

Genewa, 23 kwietnia 2007

Pictures from the ceremony of presentation to BUTiH's owner - Mrs. Genowefa Kowalska with the award and QC100 TQM system certificate by BID President at Business Initiative Directions conference in Geneva in April 2007.

Laureate of 500 Most Innovative Companies rank

Mrs. Genowefa Kowalska is a laureate of Atmospheric Air Protection Fund Award




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